Welcome back. In this blog post, I would like to share my Google Summer of Code weekly progress for week 9.

week 9,

Yes, its week 9. I am already worried that GSoC is completing. GSoC has gave me lots of good experiences, first one to mention is my mentor Daniel, what a good person he is. I am all started to think I would miss video conferences with him after GSoC, but still I could atleast contact him via IRC. I am very grateful for having such a mentor. Thanks Daniel.

Progress [#########……]

Well, this week I have worked on extending FakePkg class. which was especially for DuplicatesCheck.py test function. These weren’t major changes, but still FakePkg is getting more capable to handle more types of tests, so thats a good improvement.

I have been working on test_duplicates.py, and was able to mock 2 tests and thats the total numnber of tests to mock, which means I completed mocking test_duplicates.py.

Since GSoC, I have mocked

  • test_binaries.py
  • test_python.py
  • test_duplicates.py

The coming week, I will be working on test_files.py and other issues related to GitHub actions workflow files.

In the previous blog post, I have mentioned that I will be visiting SUSE office Bangalore and I have decided on visiting SUSE office on 24th of August.

I couldn’t write much for this blog post, but this week was full of debugging nights, very painful.