Hello All, As I step into the completion of 2nd week at Google Summer of Code 2023 at OpenSUSE, I would like to share my work progress and experience in this blog post.

This week, my main focus was on gaining a clearer understanding of the codebase, particularly the Pkg module in the rpmlint package. It has been quite a journey delving into the inner workings of the RPM package object. I feel that I’ve made significant progress in grasping the concept, but there are still several other methods within the Pkg object that I need to explore. I believe I should dedicate more time to comprehensively understand the codebase, which will ultimately guide my contributions.

Once I feel confident with the codebase, my plan is to either implement patching using pytest-mock’s patch or enhance the functionality of FakePkg to mimic the behavior of Pkg.

In my opinion, utilizing pytest-mock’s patch is the optimal approach for implementing mocking in the current Pkg. This approach will not only improve the implementation of testing for new features and other tests, but also save time and computational resources. Otherwise, manually creating a mock package for each individual package using FakePkg would be a more time-consuming and computationally intensive task.

I’m looking forward to diving deeper into the project and making meaningful contributions in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more updates in my next blog post!
