Welcome back to the final weekly report of Google Summer of Code 2023 - it’s Week 12!

I am feeling both happy and sad. Sad because GSoC is coming to an end, and happy because I have successfully completed my GSoC journey! Just a few hours ago, I submitted my GSoC Final Evaluation form.

This week has been amazing. I had the opportunity to visit the SUSE Office in Bangalore 🤩. I owe a big thank you to my mentor, Daniel, for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. I am extremely grateful. I understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to have such a good and kind mentor.

Progress [############] : 12 Weeks DONE!

SUSE Office Bangalore

A Day to remember: August 24, 2023:

Firstly, I had the pleasure of meeting Manu Dhir, The General Manager at SUSE India. He introduced me to Sreejith Kumar, a Senior Technical Support Engineer at SUSE. He kindly showed me around the office, introduced me to a few of his teammates and their team manager.

By mistake, I occupied Deepika Jaiswal’s desk. It took me a while to realize that the desk was hers 😅. After just 5 minutes of conversation with the other members, I felt comfortable. Revanth Rangaraju was a native language speaker, which made me feel even more at ease, and we had a nice chat too. I am grateful to Revanth Rangaraju for that.

I spent the entire day talking to a few other people. I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of them for making my day memorable. Thank you Manu Dhir, Sreejith Kumar, Deepika Jaiswal, Revanth Rangaraju, Manvi Kardam, and Madhu Sudan.