Welcome to my blog! This is my second post since my participation in GSoC (Google Summer of Code). If you haven’t read my first blog post yet, you can find it here.

In this blog, I will share my experiences during the “Community Bonding Period.”

Hello, I’m Afrid Hussain, and I’m glad you’re here with me on this journey. Let’s dive into the details of what I’ve been going through during this exciting period.

Getting to Know the Community!

During the Community Bonding Period, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with my mentor, who has been incredibly kind and supportive. With his guidance, I am confident that I will successfully complete my project. It’s reassuring to have such a great mentor by my side.

As the end of the community bonding period approaches, I’ve already started making connections with various community members. However, there are still many more connections to be made in the coming days, and I’m really looking forward to joining more community meetings and engaging with fellow participants.

By the way, I’d like to mention that OpenSUSE has an excellent meeting and video conferencing portal, which you can access here. It’s a fantastic platform with a rich set of features. I highly recommend giving it a try!

The community is very active, with weekly meetings and plenty of opportunities to interact with others. I’ve been impressed by the number of people who are actively supporting and participating in the community groups. It’s truly inspiring to be part of such a vibrant community.

Last week, my mentor was busy with an event organized by OpenSUSE. He gave a talk during the event, and if you’re interested, you can watch the complete talk by my mentor, Daniel, by following the link in his tweet:

What’s Happening with My Project?

Now, let’s talk about my project progress. I’m currently in the early stages of development, and I’m excited about the possibilities ahead. The project is shaping up well, and I’m confident that I will achieve the goals set for it.

As of now, still this week will continue as community bonding period. And then OFFICIAL CODING begins, 29 May 2023. To see the complete time line see here. This timeline may change if you are seeing this post in future year.