GSoC: Week5

Hi, I was supposed to write this (week5) blog 6 days back, as you know, I am lagging and I will soon write another blog which is week6. Where I shall discuss about my evalutaion, whats and hows. In this blog, let me share week5’s work :rocket:, I am really excited, because I have done some decent work in week5. Overview I have been working on ever since I started my GSoC project and I have covered almost 95% of the tests....

July 9, 2023 · 3 min · 453 words · Afrid Hussain

GSoC: Week4

Alright, Week 4 has completed. And I know that I am late in publishing my blog post. Week 4 has been little chaos to me in the context of work because I have been with my friends and couldn’t completly focus on my work. I haven’t made much progress with my project, but I have learned my lessons. Let me explain my progress in detail. In the week3 blog post I have told that we (I and my mentor) have extended FakePkg class and this made room for more complex testing capabilities, now it is possible to just add things or just hardcode and it simply works, this way is still good when compared to the previous test suite....

June 30, 2023 · 2 min · 335 words · Afrid Hussain

GSoC: Week3

Hello I am back again with my another GSoC weekly report and in this blog post I will share what I worked on the previous week, which is 3rd week of Google Summer of Code! As discussed in the previous previous post, my mentor and I have decided to go with extending implementation of FakePkg class, just to keep everything simple. Whereas with mocking, it would be hard to mock every inner piece of functions and other required binary operations....

June 21, 2023 · 2 min · 242 words · Afrid Hussain

GSoC: Week2

Hello All, As I step into the completion of 2nd week at Google Summer of Code 2023 at OpenSUSE, I would like to share my work progress and experience in this blog post. This week, my main focus was on gaining a clearer understanding of the codebase, particularly the Pkg module in the rpmlint package. It has been quite a journey delving into the inner workings of the RPM package object....

June 11, 2023 · 2 min · 235 words · Afrid Hussain

GSoC: Week1

Hi 👋🏻, Welcome back again, It has been a week since official start of coding period at Google Summer of Code. In this blog post, I am going to share my experience as a GSoC contributor at @OpenSUSE. OpenSUSE has been great to me, people in it are awesome, my mentor is awesome too, he has got my back everytime I am stuck. I am really thankful for having such mentor....

June 3, 2023 · 3 min · 431 words · Afrid Hussain

Prepping for GSoC - 'Community Bonding Period'

Welcome to my blog! This is my second post since my participation in GSoC (Google Summer of Code). If you haven’t read my first blog post yet, you can find it here. In this blog, I will share my experiences during the “Community Bonding Period.” Hello, I’m Afrid Hussain, and I’m glad you’re here with me on this journey. Let’s dive into the details of what I’ve been going through during this exciting period....

May 22, 2023 · 2 min · 401 words · Afrid Hussain
Google Summer of Code

I got accepted into GSoC'23 at OpenSUSE

Welcome to my blog, I am happy that you are here, spending your time reading my post, I hope you like it. The begining Google Summer of Code It’s nearly been two weeks time since GSoC accepted students have been declared, and here I am still writing my first blog😅, I was busy the previous week. So, lets get going. This will be a start to the GSoC series, I will be consistently documenting my journey on my blog so, tune in atleast biweekly here....

May 15, 2023 · 5 min · 1020 words · Afrid Hussain